

Mohamed killed her family then married her the same day (buk371), she was a war captive (buk947), her menses were over and he had sex and married her (Buk2235)
Hadith Al Bukhari 5085 (en en2) Safya, the raped captive (9) Adult's breastfeeding (15) Battle of Khaybar (4)
If he veils her, she will be one of the mothers of believers; if not, she will be a slave
Hadith Al Bukhari 371 (en en2) Mohamed was a slaver (17) Mohamed's violence (29) Safya, the raped captive (9) Prisoner of war and Slavery (10) Who is Safya ? (8) Woman is a sex object (46) Battle of Khaybar (4)
Mohamed get Safiya as a slave, killing her family then married her the same day
Hadith Al Bukhari 947 (en en2) Safya, the raped captive (9) Who is Safya ? (8)
Safiyya was a war captive when Mohamed married her
Hadith Al Bukhari 2228 (en en2) Amongst the captives was Safiya. First she was given to Dihya and then to the Prophet
Hadith Ibn Majah 2272 (en en2) The Prophet bought Safiyyah for seven slaves from Dihya
Hadith Muslim 1365c (en en2) At Khaibar, Dihya got Safiyya then Mohamed granted her freedom and then married her
Hadith Muslim 1365e (en en2) Mohamed got her at Khaibar and veil her as a new wife, to set her apart with slaves
Hadith Muslim 1365f (en en2) Safiyya was a war booty, he married her the same day
Hadith Al Bukhari 2235 (en en2) Safya, the raped captive (9) Who is Safya ? (8)
Allah's Messenger selected Safiya, her menses were over, had sex with her and married her